As a Resource Person, attended a virtual workshop OVLRE
As a Resource Person, attended a virtual workshop designed for university teachers. The event was graced by approximately 50 faculties from inside and outside Uttara University as participants.
3:00PM to 7:30PM, August 24, 2020.
...................................................................................................... Workshop on "Offline Video Lecture Recording & Editing" Targeted Participant / Designed for : Teachers of any University, Academician, Online Tutor
Date: 24th August 2020, Monday. Time: 3:00pm to 6:00pm Venue : Online Google Meet. ( Link will be given through email, after confirmation of seat. Teachers will get higher priority to attend.)
Covered Topic : >> Different methods of Video lecture recording with a professional gesture, Offline mood(no need internet) >> Video lecture editing and electronic distribution. >> Etiquette & tips for Video lecture presentation
Using Tools : OBS, PPT, Kdenlive, Shotcut (all are open-source/Free software )
Resource Person :
1. Md. Kamruzzaman, Assistant Professor & Coordinator, EEE, UU